Hot Tubs for Hydromassages and Hydrotherapy
There are many reasons why people purchase hot tubs in the United States. Some buy a hot tub because it’s a simple way to relax in their own backyard. Other people install a hot tub because they love spending quality time with friends and family. Whatever the reason for taking the plunge, the majority of hot tub owners come to love and appreciate the benefits they receive from their hot tub.
Benefits that can come from something called hydrotherapy.
Hydrotherapy isn’t a new concept, in fact, it’s been around since ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece. Since those times however, we’ve certainly made some great strides in technology and in better understanding how it can help your overall health. So, if you’re at all interested learning more about hydrotherapy keep reading. We’ve got everything you need to know right here!
What is Hydrotherapy?
Quite simply, hydrotherapy is the method of using water (externally) to treat particular health problems. Hydrotherapy typically uses both hot and cold water. However, when it comes to hot tubs, the hydrotherapy treatment always uses just warm water. Soaking in warm water for approximately 20 minutes every day can help people in many different ways. When it comes to hydrotherapy in a hot tub, it’s possible to get even more out of the experience using different features — namely a copious amount of jets.
Here are some common jets found in the HotSpring hot tubs we sell:
History of Hydrotherapy
Baths, spas and water houses have existed for centuries. As mentioned, many civilizations made use of hydrotherapy including the Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians. It wasn’t until the 19th century that a Bavarian monk developed many of the practices used today, including plunging into cold water 2-3 times a week to improve overall health.
Currently, there are many different variations of hydrotherapy, many of which are offered at spas, gyms or by physicians. These options however typically aren’t cheap, even if they are effective.
How it Works
When it comes to using your hot tub for hydrotherapy, there are two major factors in how it helps to improve your overall health and wellbeing. These two factors include buoyancy and heat.
Buoyancy: When you immerse yourself in water, you start to float. This weightlessness immediately helps to take the pressure off of your joints. Without that pressure, you immediately feel a sense of relief. Your pain can start to fade and you can start to relax.
Heat: Warm water soothes your body by making your organs slow down. When your organs slow down, you can’t help but feel more relaxed. Warm water also makes you sweat, which helps the body to release any and all toxins. One important thing to note is that you shouldn’t spend the entire day soaking in warm or hot water. It is possible to slow your system down too much, and increase pressure on your organs.
When you combine buoyancy and heat together, your body can potentially help heal itself from all sorts of issues.
Benefits of Hydrotherapy
Now that you better understand exactly what hydrotherapy is, and how it works, it’s a good idea to learn more about the different types of heath conditions it helps to manage. In general, hydrotherapy can help improve chronic conditions.
The different types of chronic conditions include:
- Arthritis
- Improve Circulation
- Decrease Inflammation/Swelling
- Stress
- Sore Muscles
- Increase Mobility
- Lower Blood Pressure
- Improve heart/lung strength
Hot Tub Hydrotherapy
It’s clear that you can experience a wide range of benefits from hydrotherapy. So, how can you use your hot tub to get the most out of your hydrotherapy experience?
Simple Soak: For the most part, soaking in a hot tub for 20 minutes, without using any of its features, will help to improve circulation, decrease stress and inflammation or welling, etc. The reason for this is because you are simply sitting in warm water.
Jets: Most hot tubs come with jets. When turned on, jets create a pressure that you can use to get a deeper massage on sore muscles. It’s important to test these jets out before you purchase your hot tub. You want to make sure that they target the right spots on your body. That being said, there are also hot tubs with jets that are adjustable. Some hot tubs even come with a seat designed for to deliver a hydrotherapy massage from head to toe.
If you need help finding a great hot tub for hydrotherapy in Tyler, Longview, or elsewhere in East Texas, be sure to give us a call or stop by one of our showrooms. We can point you in the right direction.
Exercise: If jets aren’t your thing, warm water also helps “soften the blow” of activity. It’s low impact exercise. This is why many people enjoy exercising in their hot tub. Thanks to the buoyancy the water provides, exercising in your hot tub is also much easier on your joints, while helping to reduce any swelling or inflammation you might have.
It’s possible to do many different types of exercises in your hot tub. Some of these exercises include:
- Yoga
- Bicycle Kicks
- Torso
- Shoulder Rolls
- Squats
- Rising up on Tiptoe
Cheaper: Instead of heading to the gym or paying a membership for your local pool, using your hot tub for your hydrotherapy needs is a much cheaper option in the long term. Most hot tubs last anywhere between 10 – 15 years (if not longer). If you use your hot tub every day, or even every other day you won’t have to shell out extra money to improve your health.
Peace & Quiet: Part of the reason why so many people enjoy hydrotherapy is because it’s relaxing. However, it’s difficult to relax when you have to share the water with a bunch of strangers, who might be more interested in chatting than de-stressing. When you have a hot tub in your backyard, you get to decide when you get to use it and you don’t have to share. You also get the chance to spend some time outdoors
Keep it Simple
Overall, if you’re looking for a quick and easy way decrease stress and bring a little more relaxation into your life, a hot tub is the perfect way to achieve an improved sense of welling being. It’s an added benefit that you can also help to manage your health using the hydrotherapy techniques and features that also come with owning a hot tub.
Remember, you don’t need to spend hours in your hot tub doing stretches and exercises. A quick 20 minutes will do the trick, all from the comfort of your own backyard.
Please note that hot tubs and spas aren’t a substitute for proper treatment and advice from your licensed medical professional. Be sure to consult with a medical professional prior to using a hot tub for exercise.